Salaam and Hello Suci Sisters, 

This is Izzati again!

In this second entry, similar to my first entry (Part 1: Hygiene) are my findings and discovery through research and asking for opinions from Ustazahs with regards to Islamic views of virginity on using the menstrual cup.I would again like to highlight that I am not myself an Ustazah or religious scholar and that this entry shall not serve as a religious article either. All that is expressed here are my opinion. 

When the Suci Team formed, among the first topics that came to our discussions were the validation and approval of using the menstrual cup from the Islamic point of view. We felt that it was imperative to address this as we are serving the Malaysian population and we ourselves are very grounded in our religious beliefs. We have engaged with the Mufti’s Office and they have been very responsive, but unfortunately, we have had to take a few rainchecks due to the MCO restrictions. Once we are able to finally convene and discuss with the Office, we hope to share our findings with Suci Sisters. 

In the meantime, we have sought out insights from Ustazahs as well as our own research on Fatwas governing the usage of menstrual cups and tampons worldwide. Why tampons? As menstrual cups have just recently become popular, not much literature specifically discussing them can be found. As the method of usage between tampons and menstrual cup is similar i.e. insertion into the vaginal cavity, I have chosen to highlight rulings on tampons as well. 

Here I’d like to share our findings of Islamic rulings favouring the usage of Menstrual Cups (or tampons) for our Suci Sister readers to refer to.

  1. In the Shafi‘i school, tampons, cotton wool inserts (hashu), and by extension, menstrual cups, are permitted to use (without dislike), during menstruation or abnormal vaginal bleeding (istihada). At times, using the above may be obligatory. This is irrespective of whether the woman is a virgin or not. (Al-Hawashi al Madaniyya, Tuhfat al-Muhtaj)Reference:
  2. The hymen of a woman may be broken in many ways: Injury, accident, playing sports, riding a bicycle, penetration of any sort such as a medical examination, use of tampons, or a douche. Thus, Islam commands the husband not to suspect any wrongdoing on behalf of his spouse if he were to see her not being a virgin. A woman must not be looked down upon because of having lost her virginity. In fact, the jurists (fuqaha) state that a woman whose hymen is broken due to other than having actual sex is Islamically considered to be a virgin. Imam al-Mawsili (Allah have mercy on him) states:“If a woman lost her virginity due to jumping, injury, becoming old or (strong) menstrual periods, then she will be considered a virgin.” (al-Ikhtiyar li ta’lil al-Mukhtar, 3/116)


  3. Based on our research, the menstrual cup is a (funnel-shaped) cup that is inserted into the vagina during the menstrual bleeding, and its purpose is to prevent the menstrual blood from staining the clothes. We do not see any impediment to using it as long as it is safe and does not incur any harm. When Hamnah bint Jahsh, may Allaah be pleased with her, complained to the Prophet about her heavy bleeding, he said: “Fill it with cotton.” She said: “It is worse than that; it is flowing copiously.” He said: “Then, wear (a piece of cloth like) a bridle.” [Ahmad and Ibn Maajah] Moreover, Jaabir narrated the story of Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays and her father, in the Farewell Hajj when she gave birth at the Meeqaat (place of assuming Ihraam [ritual consecration]). The Prophet said to her: “Perform Ghusl, wrap a cloth around your private parts, and assume Ihraam.” [Muslim] As-Suyooti said in his book (Haashiyah ‘ala Sunan Ibn Maajah): “‘Fill it with cotton’ means insert the cotton into the inside of the vagina to prevent blood from coming out to the visible part of the vagina… His saying ‘wear a bridle’ means tie a cloth around your private parts and fasten the ends together, and this is what is meant by ‘Istithfaar’, which is stated in another version of the Hadeeth.” [End of quote]

    The Arabic term ‘Istithfaar’ means to tie or wrap a piece of cloth around the source of bleeding. This indicates the permissibility of using means to prevent the blood from flowing to the outside. If the use of that cup serves this purpose and there is no fear of any potential harm, then there is nothing wrong with using it.


I hope that by sharing this information with you, it allows you to make an informed decision on using the Suci Cup. It is important for us at SUCI that our users use the Suci Cup without any prejudice/doubts (was-was) and that you make a sound personal judgement on your decision to use the Suci Cup. We believe that the Suci Cup has greater benefits to the woman using it, hygienically and financially and also to the community and environment that she lives in.

Allah knows best of our intentions and may Allah be pleased with all that we do. InsyaAllah.

Till next time,
#sucisister – Izzati

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