Salaam and Hello Suci Sisters!

This is Izzati, one of the co-founders and the Business Development Director for Suci.

This first entry of mine would be on a topic I believe is very relevant and delicate to the people of Malaysia, as we live in a very diverse society with many beliefs and traditions.

First and foremost, I would like to clarify that this entry will be written from my point of view on how I see things and the research that I have personally made through asking questions from several Ustazah and also readings that I gathered from the internet. In no way am I an Ustazah and this entry shall not serve as a religious article either.

So here goes…

To me, Islam is a beautiful religion. One that is very understanding, tolerant and has very clear foundations to all questions human kinds could ever have with regards to living on this earth. Islam is a way of life and has high emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene, to the extent that it demands its people to clean themselves (certain body parts) at minimum 5 times a day before each prayer. 

“Cleanliness is half of Faith (Imaan)” – Sahih Muslim.

When I first started using the Menstrual Cup, I was amazed by how clean it made me feel throughout the course of my menstrual cycle. Never have I ever felt this clean during a period. I felt dry as if I wasn’t even on my period and didn’t have to frequent the bathroom to change pads. Nor was I conscious about the coppery smell I could emit to people standing near me. It was really the cleanest feeling I had ever felt whilst on a period. 

Usually, the first and second days of period are normally my heaviest flows and can be very messy. I have never used a tampon before and have been using pads ever since I was young. Sitting on a piece of damp/wet towel through the day and being conscious of the smell of blood is very uncomfortable but something that I just dealt with (just like the majority of women out there). If there were occasional unfortunate leaks, then it just ruined the day. Not to mention, if my period started when I don’t have my pads handy or I was out on meetings with clients. 

I loved the life changing experience that I discovered from using the menstrual cup: Cleanliness.

“They ask you about menstruation. Say: “It is impure. So, keep away from women during menstruation; and do not have intimacy with them until they are cleansed. But when they are cleansed, then go to them from where Allah has commanded you. Surely Allah loves those who are most repenting, and loves those who keep themselves pure. (Al-Baqarah: 222)

Prior to using the menstrual cup, I was using the washable pads as an alternative to throwing away disposable pads. But the idea wasn’t welcomed by my husband who is a doctor. He felt that the very invention of disposable pads was to help women keep clean and to ensure the hygiene of her private area during her menses. As soon as I made the swap to use the menstrual cup, he was just as overjoyed as I was, as I was able to always keep clean regardless of whether I am on my period or not.

Aside from the cleanliness and better personal hygiene during my period, I no longer needed to spend money on pads. This ultimately resulted in me not throwing any sanitary pads away. As I have been practising zero waste, this was monumental for me that I no longer emit period waste to the landfill. (FYI, a disposable pad doesn’t degrade and takes 500 years to break down!) The Menstrual Cup has become sustainable for my pocket, body and environment.

“Eat and drink from the provision of Allah, and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.” (Qur’an, 2:60)

On a slightly separate note, most Malaysian Muslim women clean the disposable pads by washing the pads to remove the blood from it before throwing the pads away. (This includes me.) I was informed by a friend that there are women who wash the pads too vigorously until the pad rips apart and the gel made out of plastic inside the pad gets into the drain, resulting in clogging of drain pipes. Not only is a menstrual cup capable of helping a person stay clean and reduce period waste, it can also resolve unintended infrastructural issues like this as well.

When societal-environmental issues like this arise, it really prompts us as “Khalifah” of the earth to find solutions to resolve the problem. Period waste can be significantly reduced if every woman choses a more sustainable period product such as the menstrual cup. 

And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.” Quran [6:165]

The menstrual cup is such a simple tool but results in many benefits for women and the environment. 

Let me know your thoughts on the cleanliness of using a Suci Cup down in the comment section below. I would love to hear your thoughts/unique experiences. 

Till the next entry.

Best regards from your #sucisister

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